
Autodesk Maya Unlimited 8.5 SP1

Autodesk Maya Unlimited 8.5 SP1

Программное обеспечение Autodesk® Maya® - является мощным интегрированным решением в вопросах трехмерного моделирования, анимации, создания эффектов. Поскольку ПО Maya создано на основе открытой архитектуры, вся Ваша работа может быть записана в виде сценариев или запрограммирована с помощью отлично документированного и понятного программного интерфейса приложения (API (программный интерфейс приложения)) или одного из двух интегрированных скриптовых языков. Таким образом, будучи совмещенной с лидером отрасли - комплектом инструментов для трехмерного моделирования - ПО Maya позволяет Вам свободно реализовывать свое творческие идеи.

Highlights of the new product and feature offerings for Autodesk Maya 8 include:
- 64-bit support for Windows and Linux platforms
- Multi-threading and algorithmic speed-ups to boost performance
- File referencing enhancements
- Enhanced polygon modeling and UV tools and workflows
- Transfer of UVs and other attributes between models
- Updated mental ray 3.5 core
- Enhanced interoperability between Maya and other Autodesk products, including MotionBuilder, 3DS Max and Toxik.

Autodesk Maya Complete:
- Intuitive User Interface
- Data and Scene Management Tools
- Polygon Modeling
- NURBS Modeling
- Subdivision Surface Modeling
- General Animation
- Character Animation
- Deformers
- Rigid and Soft Body Dynamics
- Particles and Fields
- Maya Paint Effects
- Toon Shader
- Maya Artisan
- 3D Paint
- Multiple Rendering Options
- Rendering Controls and Effects
- Maya API/SDK
- Connectivity and Integration

Autodesk Maya Unlimited contains everything in Autodesk Maya Complete, plus:
- Maya Hair
- Maya Fluid Effects
- Maya Cloth
- Maya Fur
- Maya Live

• Maya Fluid Effects™ - Simulate and render a huge variety of atmospheric, pyrotechnic, viscous liquid, and open ocean effects. Maya Fluid Effects overcomes one of the greatest barriers in computer animation.
• Maya Fur - Easy creation of realistic fur, short hair, wool and grass on NURBS or polygonal models. Incredibly realistic styling and rendering of short hair and fur, with Maya Artisan brush interface for painting fur attributes.
• Maya Cloth - The fastest and most accurate software solution for simulating a wide variety of digital clothing and other fabric objects. Any cloth object can be animated including sails, skins, tents, drapery, bedding, etc.
• Maya Live - Sophisticated matchmoving combines 2D live-action with 3D elements. Maya Live provides greater flexibility, a fast integrated 2D tracker and an interactive root frame solver. Maya Live also allows you to reconstruct live-action elements as 3D geometry plus output to external applications.
• Maya Hair - Tools for the creation, styling and rendering of fully dynamic long hair on NURBS or polygon objects. Make any NURBS curve dynamic for use in advanced character rigging and effects. Create a wide range of other “non-hair” effects too.


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jurassic 06/08/08 Просмотров: 5728