Интернет и сеть

ReGet Deluxe 5.1 Final

ReGet Deluxe crack

Вы будете приятно удивлены скоростью ReGet Deluxe - последнего слова в технологиях загрузки! Подключаетесь ли вы к Интернету через обычный модем, или сверхбыстрый кабель, или ADSL, ReGet Deluxe использует это соединение на полную мощность для того, чтобы загрузить файлы быстрее. ReGet Deluxe имеет много возможностей, предназначенных для повышения эффективности и невероятного увеличения скорости загрузки. Все это делает ReGet Deluxe незаменимым инструментом для опытных пользователей Интернета и тех, кому приходится часто загружать файлы.

ReGet Deluxe имеет такие полезные возможности как чрезвычайная простота в использовании (благодаря уникальной системе автоконфигурации и модулю интеграции с броузером), невероятное увеличение скорости скачивания благодаря скачиванию одного файла в 3-40 потоков, докачивание файла после обрыва связи, качает с HTTP, HTTPS! и FTP серверов, ищет зеркала файлов, работает с прокси, ведет мониторинг кликов в браузере и буфере обмена (включая формы и скрипты-редиректы), пакетную загрузку, NTLM аутентификацию и проч. Помимо перечисленного имеется встроенная программа автодозвона, утилита MSIE Spy (позволяющая узнать реальные URL всех загружаемых броузером файлов).

Этот многофункциональный менеджер закачек предназначен для продвинутых пользователей Интернет. В него включены такие возможности как Менеджер Сайтов, расширенный Планировщик и История, большое количество настроек на любой вкус. Это незаменимый инструмент для тех, кому приходится скачивать много файлов.

ReGet Deluxe Features:
Installation / Compatibility / Integration
• Auto-tuning Select your connection type/speed and ReGet Deluxe will automatically tune the download settings to use your Internet connection to its fullest extent.
• Browser integration ReGet Deluxe intercepts downloads from Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 and Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 (and all IE-based browsers like MSN Explorer, Maxthon), as well as downloads from Mozilla Firefox and Opera.**
• ReGet Bar ReGet Bar allows you to monitor and control ReGet Deluxe from your favorite browser. *
• Proxy detection and support ReGet Deluxe automatically detects your browser proxy server settings. * ReGet Deluxe supports all popular proxy servers so you can use it in a corporate network. ReGet Deluxe supports not only basic proxy authentication, but also NT challenge/response (NTLM).
• Installs and runs on Windows ReGet Deluxe works on Windows Vista, Windows XP SP2, Windows 2000 SP3/SP4 and Windows Server 2003.
• Three user interface modes Choose the interface mode (Simple, Advanced or Expert) according to your downloading needs and experience.
• Easy multiple links downloading ReGet Deluxe allows quick download of multiple files linked from the same page with the original "Download All by ReGet Deluxe" browser context menu command. *
• Dial-up modem support features ReGet Deluxe has a built-in dial-up integration. You don't have to run a lot of programs to download just one file. ReGet Deluxe can dial up to your ISP, download files and hang up when the download is finished.
• Deep browser integration Advanced (low-level) browser integration allows ReGet Deluxe to intercept and process all types of links, including forms and redirection scripts. *
• Floating window for link drops Drop one link or a lrage text with a number of links onto the floating window and ReGet Deluxe will start downloads.

Downloading Features
• Basic and secure protocols ReGet Deluxe supports file download (retrieval) from both file transfer (FTP) and web (HTTP) servers, secure web (HTTPS) and secure file transfer (SFTP) servers and supports FTP compression (MODE Z).
• Multimedia protocols ReGet Deluxe also supports mutlimedia streaming protocols (MMS, RTSP) and can retrieve media content thru these protocols.
• Interrupted downloads resuming ReGet Deluxe resumes broken and paused downloads from where they were left off. It saves you time and traffic as you don't have to download again what you already have on your hard-drive. ***
• No retreat, no surrender ReGet Deluxe will make unlimited attempts to download the file until the download is completed.
• Online storage support ReGet Deluxe can download from online file sharing and storage (like MySpace.com, iDrive.com, etc).
• LAN downloads ReGet Deluxe can also download files from the shares in your local network.

Speed Improvements
• Multi-section downloads 3-5 times speed improvement: with ReGet Deluxe feature to split the files being downloaded in sections and download all the sections at the same time. That is from 300% to 500% improvement!
• IE activity detection ReGet Deluxe can detect browser activity and automatically lower its traffic usage if the browser transfers data, giving you the ability to browse the Internet without interrupting your downloads. *
• Jump-start downloads If one particular download slows down, ReGet Deluxe can reconnect to a server, giving a jump start to your download.
• Mirror-search ReGet automatically searches for additional locations (mirrors) for your downloads and chooses the optimal location to download from. More information (including privacy issues) about Mirror Search feature can be found here.
• Traffic limiting Traffic-limit mode allows you to adjust the bandwidth used by ReGet Deluxe manually.

Downloads Management / Organization
• Site manager With the Site Manager you can set the downloading properties (such as login and password, maximum allowed connections, etc.) for any server you will be downloading from.
• Advanced history Advanced History will give you information about all the files you have ever downloaded. You'll never forget when, what and from where you have downloaded a file and where it is stored.
• Categories for downloads Use Categories feature to define the download folder depending on the type of downloaded file (like music, video, games, software).
• Built-in macros Use macros to automatically create folders according to the extensions of downloaded files, date of downloading or name of the target server.
• Auto-assign category You can automatically assign category to a download according to file extention or name of the target server.
• Colored categories Now you can assign different colors to categories -- make your download queue colorful.

• ReGet themes A step forward in the interface technology - like Microsoft Windows family, ReGet Deluxe now comes with themes, allowing further personalization. Since this new technology does not employ "skins", it does not significantly affect size of the program, nor its performance.
• Toolbar We've even made the toolbar in ReGet Deluxe fully customizable. Configure it to suit your needs!
• Multi-download edit You can now edit the properties for a number of selected downloads in one go.

Advanced features
• Built-in MSIE Spy MSIE Spy is the program for monitoring browser activity. Watch the real URLs of all the files downloaded by the browser, otherwise invisible to the user, such as graphics, scripts, banners, buttons including CSS and Javascript files, etc. *
• Built-in scheduler The Advanced Scheduler lets you schedule such events as: start and pause downloads, start and close program, dial and hang up. You can set any ReGet Deluxe event to happen at any time you want, regularly or depending on another event.
• Built-in FTP Explorer The FTP Explorer allows you to view the structure of a remote FTP server in a user-friendly format, so you can choose what files or directories he wants to download.
• Offline mode Switching on/off the Offline mode you can stop/start all downloads in one click.
• ZIP preview Partial ZIP Download command allows you to preview any ZIP archive before downloading and download only selected files.
• Recursive web-site downloading Now you can download the whole web-site in a few clicks. If a downloaded file is HTML document ReGet suggests you to download all the files linked from this page (if on the next step ReGet downloads an HTML page it suggests to continue downloading, etc.)
• Logging ReGet Deluxe provides extensive logging of every download attempt and every program action, whether it was successful or failed.
• Online search Online search pane allows to look up the downloads by the filename online.
• Anti-virus support If your antivirus solution isn't set to monitor all incoming files, you can use macros to enable antivirus checking on download completion to make your downloads secure from viruses and trojans.


Скачать последнюю версию программы ReGet Deluxe
jurassic 14/07/07 Просмотров: 5415
jurassic 20 декабря 2009, 18:42:20

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