Panorado v3.3.1.196 Portable

Panorado - просмотрщик изображений со специализацией на работу с панорамными фотографиями. Программа облегчает импорт, просмотр, упорядочение, печать, ретуширование, обмен и архивацию разного рода электронных изображений. Panorado удобна в использовании как на уровне новичка, так и на уровне профессионала, и обладает достаточными возможностями и гибкостью для выполнения всех потребностей по мере увеличения коллекции изображений.

Panorado is a comfortable image viewer with special support for very large pictures and panoramic pictures.
It's comfortable and very much "mouse-aware". It provides two different mouse modes for panning around the picture. If you like, you can control the viewer almost completely with a 5-button wheel-mouse: Navigate up and down, switch to full screen mode, zoom in and out, adjust the picture size to the window size. Without using the keyboard. Soft zooming, soft panning and soft fading provide a very comfortable viewing impression. It specially supports large pictures and panoramic pictures. Your pictures are allowed to largely exceed the screen size. Panoramic pictures are recognized automatically and eventually displayed as seamless 360° images. You can toggle anytime between a flat view mode which is very fast and a spherical view mode which gives a very realistic 3-D impression. It supports 14 graphics file formats.

• It's comfortable and very much "mouse-aware".
It provides two different mouse modes for panning around the picture.
For zooming in and out, you simply rotate the mouse wheel.
Soft zooming, soft panning and soft fading provide a very comfortable viewing impression.

• It specially supports large pictures and panoramic pictures.
Your pictures are allowed to largely exceed the screen size. Panoramic pictures are recognized automatically and eventually displayed as spherical seamless 360° images.

• It supports 14 graphics file formats.
These are: JPEG, GIF, BMP, WMF, EMF, ICO, CUR, TGA, PCX, PNG, TIFF, JPEG 2000, PNM, and RAS.
Starting with version 3.0, there's also support for Quicktime panoramas (with the usual JPEG or CVID compression)!

• It helps you to survey large amounts of pictures.
The navigation bar which can be activated on the left side lets you browse through pictures in different folders and on different drives. Not only hard drives, but also CDs, DVDs, memory cards, and digital cameras.
The navigation bar provides file management capabilities which are very similar to those of the Windows Explorer. A right click, for example, will start your favorite image editor.
The new version 3.3 Image Finder Tool helps you to find images by name, keywords or location, and perform 10 different batch operations like copying, renaming, rotating, or inserting copyright notices.

• It provides full metadata support.
This applies to EXIF and IPTC Data; it's a new feature!
EXIF data (like exposure time and some more exposure details) is generated by most digital cameras.
IPTC is a standard for textual information used in the media business.
Editable metadata provides a set of new possibilities.

• It automatically recognizes file changes.
If any of the files listed or displayed are affected, these files will be redrawn.

• It's fast.
Panorado uses DirectDraw to make best use of your graphics hardware. This makes your pictures move across the screen as smooth as possible.

• It supplies a true full screen mode.
See your pictures with no buttons on the edges.

• It shows thumbnails of all pictures in one folder.
In extreme "landscape" format, if desired.
EXIF thumbnail support makes it still faster. You can toggle between thumbnail view and list view with image descriptions.

• It provides a slide show running automatically.
Panning through panoramic pictures by 360 degrees, if you like. You can interrupt and resume a show anytime.

• It supports printing.
In case you want to see your pictures on paper.

• It contains a toolbox for creating 5 special projection effects.
This is a new version 3.0 feature: Try some fascinating projection effects, like cubic or polar projection!

• It includes a tool for burning picture disks.
Along with the pictures, the CD or DVD created contains the Panorado software which makes it ready-to-play immediately.
This feature requires Windows XP or Nero Burning Rom.

• It can show an image's location in Google Earth.
Press a button and "fly" there - this is one of the exiting features which are enabled by image metadata!

• It provides an English user interface.
And German, of course.

• It's really simple.
I'm sure you won't really need the online help - but have a look at it though!

OS : Windows 98/Me/NT4/2000/XP/2003 Server/VISTA
Интерфейс: English

Лекраство: не требуется


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Skrol 23/07/08 Просмотров: 3926