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RJ TextEd 7.40 Final

Вышла новая версия RJ TextEd - юникодового редактора со множеством возможностей для редактирования текста, html-документов, java-скриптов и т.д. Открытие множества документов в многовкладочном окне, подсветка и проверка синтаксиса, подсказки при вводе кода, закладки, неограниченное undo/redo, редактор css, html-превью, встроенный ftp-клиент, поддержка email, поддержка drag'n'drop, поддержка скинов и многое другое...


  • Below is a small list of features available in the program
  • Auto completion
  • Code folding
  • Column mode
  • Handles both ASCII and binary files
  • Html wizards
  • Use TopStyle Lite as your CSS editor if installed
  • FTP client with synchronization
  • File explorer, text clips, code explorer, project manager...
  • Convert between code pages, Unicode formats and text formats
  • Unicode and ANSI code page detection
  • Open/Save UTF-8 encoded files without a signature (BOM)
  • Unicode file paths and file names
  • Html validation, format and repair
  • Tools available like syntax editor, color picker, charmap...

What's New in This Release:

XML/HTML tag highlighting

  • I've improved the tag highlighting in this version. All tag elements are highlighted. Tag attributes and values are also highlighted using a different color.

Search results
  • Redesigned the search result layout.

You can now:
  • Keep old search result.
  • Restore the search results at program startup.
  • Export search results to a new document.
  • Delete a search result from the list.

Search Count
  • Added a count button to the search dialogs. It will simply count the number of hits in the current file.

Word wrap
  • Wrapped lines are now indented by default. The indention is the same as for the start of the line. The entire line will have the same indention which should make the code or text easier to read.

Line operations
  • Join lines should now preserve paragraphs when run on selected text.
  • Added "Join lines (without adding spaces)".
  • Added "Compress lines". This function will remove some blank lines to make the document more compressed.

Auto highlight selected words
  • Auto highlighted words now have there own highlight color. (When "Auto highlight selected words" is turned on - similar words are automatically highlighted throughout the document).

Context menu in document tab bar

Added a context menu in the document tab bar (right click on the bar, not the tab) with the items:

  • New file
  • Close all project files
  • Close all none-project files
  • Add all files to project


Added some more compare items to the document tab context menu.

  • Compare with open document... (displays a list of open documents to compare with).
  • Compare with right (compare with right document in dual document view).

Large files

Large files are now opened in smaller pieces. This should prevent memory issues.

Rename and delete file

  • Added items in the document tab context menu to rename or delete the file.

I've fixed a few issues as usual.


Скачать программу RJ TextEd 7.40 Final (18,03 МБ):

aks85 23/05/11 Просмотров: 1776
slynet 24 мая 2011, 15:10:30


Paul24 24 мая 2011, 13:10:00


igo6 23 мая 2011, 20:41:40


kulibyaka 23 мая 2011, 18:42:35


selupops 23 мая 2011, 18:42:09
