Sweet Home 3D 2.4
Sweet Home 3D - программа, предназначенная для проектирования интерьера. Sweet Home 3D поможет вам виртуально расставить мебель по комнатам вашего дома, выбирая наиболее удачное расположение элементов интерьера. Во время работы можно использовать 3D-модели, которые в большом количестве представлены на официальном сайте и доступны для бесплатной загрузки. Sweet Home 3D дает возможность предварительного просмотра интерьера в 2D (вид сверху), а также может визуализировать конечный вариант расстановки мебели в 3D.
What's New in This Release:
- Added DAE/Collada format to the file formats supported by furniture import wizard, to be able to import the 3D models proposed on Google 3D Warehouse.
- Added support for transparency in PNG/GIF images applied as texture to 3D models.
- Displayed the lines defined in OBJ and DAE files.
- Fixed 3D rendering to ensure OBJ files created from the exportation of the 3D view keep the same look when imported.
- Modulated texture illumination according to ambient lights (caution, this may change the brightness of images displayed in existing SH3D files).
- Fixed a bug that moved out of center some imported 3DS models.
- Fixed a bug that made an imported OBJ file lose its colors when its name contained non ASCII letters.
- Fixed a bug that prevented overlapping floors from being correctly displayed.
- Fixed a bug that didn't restore correctly the saved location of view splitters for maximized windows.
- Optimized memory used by 3D models.
- Modified installation process of Sweet Home 3D with Java Web Start to display the security dialog earlier.
- Added furnitureResourcesURLBase and texturesResourcesURLBase parameters to Sweet Home 3D applet to simplify the deployment of furniture and textures catalogs on other servers.
- Replaced JRE 6u18 by JRE 6u20 in Sweet Home 3D installers bundled with Java.
- Other minor bugs fixes and enhancements.
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