Registry Purify 4.96

Registry Purify - программа для анализа и очистки недействительных записей в реестре Windows, резервного копирования и восстановления всего реестра в файл системного уровня, для повышения эффективности работы Вашей ОС. Программа использует надежные алгоритмы для анализа и сканирования реестра вашей системы на наличие недействительных записей и выдаст вам список всех найденных ошибок реестра, вы можете выборочно удалить каждый элемент или автоматически исправить все ошибки.

Registry Purify analyze and clean invalid entries in Windows registry, backup and restore entire registry in system file level, compact registry to gain efficiency. It uses robust analyzing algorithm to scan your entire Windows registry for any invalid entries and provides you with a list of all registry errors found, you can then choose to selectively clean each item or automatically repair them all.
Main Features:
- New Scan Engine. Registry Purify improves analyzing speed over 50% than normal algorithm by using new SharpANA Engine. Meanwhile, SharpANA Engine reduces reading of hard disk evidently, which protects your hard disk effectively. The proper use of multithread technology, reduces consumption of system resources.
- Automatic Undo File Creation And Easy Recover. For your convenience and for insuring maximum protection, Registry Purify automatically create undo file for any repairs made so that you can easily recover any changes again if required.
- Build-in Microsoft Registry Editor Support. By double click any entry found in Registry Purify list, Microsoft Regedit will run focusing on the entry you just clicked. It is convenient for you to examine each entry detailedly and then make your decision.
- Microsoft Regedit compatible Undo File. Registry Purify's registry undo file is compatible with Microsoft Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00. The registry file is fully opened to end users, meaning that you can edit directly or just import manually by double click on it.
- User Friendly GUI Interface. Registry Purify is powerful and simple to use. Its Interface has all the functionality and performance required in today's computing environments.
- Simple But Powerful and Safe. Registry Purify safely scans inside your Windows registry for errors, using robust analyzing algorithm , and repairs them with just a few mouse clicks.
- Registry Compact To Gain ReadWrite Efficiency. When cleaned many invalid registry entries, registry compact is necessary to your registry. Registry Purify rebuilds the registry removing blanks in the entries to compact your registry.
- Reliable Registry Backup. Registry Purify supports registry backup of different time and creation any number of backup depending on your free hard disk space. For your convenience, registry backup file name takes format of YearMonthDayHourMinuteSecond.
- Efficient Registry Restore. In one simple dialog interface, registry restore and backup deletion can be finished easily and explicitly. Although number of backup is not limited, Registry Purify will remind you to delete some backup when the number of registry backup is over 3, for backup files can be big.
- Two-Aspect Analyze. While analyzing registry entries, Registry Purify take action in two aspect one is registry-based analyzing method, another is file-based analyzing method. By using the two-aspect analyze, Windows registry will be analyzed thoroughly to check out more invalid entries than ever.

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