
Instant Gallery Maker v2.1

Instant Gallery Maker - программа, которая за несколько кликов мыши позволяет создавать профессиональные online фотоальбомы.

  • Very easy to use - creating a web image gallery has never been easier! Just click a few buttons and watch your gallery come alive.
  • User friendly - wizard-style interface makes Instant Gallery Maker manageable even for those who don't understand HTML and CSS.
  • Flexible - you have total control over every tiny detail of your web gallery.
  • Powerful - recognizes all popular image formats, resizes pictures using smart algorithms earlier available only in full-fledged image editors.
  • Customizable - if you have some knowledge of HTML and CSS, you can customize your pages in absolutely any way creating your own templates.


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serg_ko 04/12/09 Просмотров: 4373